Uber is in contact with the FBI as GTA hacker could be behind its data breach as well

So much trouble ahead…

Uber is in contact with the FBI as GTA hacker could be behind its data breach as well

So much trouble ahead…

The hacker behind Rockstar’s GTA 6 leak may also be involved in the Uber data breach or at least that was reported yesterday after the mobility company released a statement acknowledging the potential link.

While the investigations are still ongoing, so far the reports point toward the hacking group Lapsus$ which the attacker could be affiliated with. The group has been very active over the last year as Nvidia, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Samsung and Vodaphone attacks have been attributed to them.

According to the statement, there are reports that the same hacker could be involved in the GTA 6 gameplay leaks, however, there is not enough information to completely link both attacks. By now Uber claims to be in close coordination with the FBI and US Department of Justice in order to catch the culprit.

Teenagers are responsible for the attack…

The hacking group Lapsus$ is fairly recent, however in this very short lapse of time the collective has performed big attacks. So far, it is believed that the group is entirely composed of teenagers as earlier this year a 16-year-old from Oxford, England, who is suspected of being one of the group’s leaders, was arrested for having accumulated $14 million from cybercrime.

On the other hand, the extortion group is believed to be based in Brazil or any other country in South America and currently owns a Telegram app channel with over 47 thousand subscribers where they update followers on upcoming attacks.

Are the authorities going to stop them or will these attacks add to their list of victories?



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