"I was cut off", Kratos actor had a longer speech for The Game Awards 2022

Christopher Judge claims he was not allowed to finish his speech at the awards ceremony

"I was cut off", Kratos actor had a longer speech for The Game Awards 2022

Christopher Judge claims he was not allowed to finish his speech at the awards ceremony

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After each important event, there are always things to talk about. In this case, several things happened at yesterday's event, The Game Awards 2022, such as the child's interruption to talk about Bill Clinton.

But, let’s talk about the speech by Christopher Judge, the actor who gives life to Kratos from God of War, who won the award for best performance.

What happened in his speech? Well, it’s not what happened; it’s how long it lasted because it was a long time on stage, and for many people, it was tedious.

His speech was focused on thanking his colleagues and family in addition to all the support during the development process. However, now through social networks, we know that his speech was even longer, but he couldn’t finish it due to pressure from the organizers.

This was announced through the actor's social networks, who commented that he was cut off from stage before finishing. So he decided to finish the final part of his speech on Twitter.

The community took advantage of the occasion to congratulate him on his work and tell him that his speech deserved all the time possible, because after all it was his great moment.

He also received some criticism for not being more concise with what he wanted to say, since he was at an event that had just started and where time is of the essence. His wife used social networks to congratulate him and share the video showing his award.

What do you think about his speech? Tell us in the comments.

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