Hideo Kojima wants to become an AI after death to keep making games

Retirement is not in his plans

Hideo Kojima wants to become an AI after death to keep making games

Retirement is not in his plans

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Hideo Kojima never ceases to amaze us. Whether or not we are fans of his work, no one can deny that each of his projects has a very personal stamp, which is worth admiring. We could say that the safest thing with him is to expect the unexpected.

The above is palpable in his video games but covers other areas of his life. An example of this happened in a recent interview that the Japanese creative gave to IGN. Especially when he was asked about the future of Kojima Productions.

News related: The Game Awards 2022: Death Stranding 2 announced!

A singular response from a singular man

Among other things, the creative was asked if there was a philosophy or feeling he wanted to leave behind at Kojima Productions for the next 50 or 100 years. Of course, if life continues its natural rhythm as we know it right now, we understand that the question is directed at the studio's future once Kojima passes away.

And then, the situation got interesting. Although Hideo commented he has never thought about it, he mentioned the idea of becoming an AI to continue making games forever:

"That's a good question. I've never really thought about that. I'll keep leading so long as I'm around, and all that matters to me is that our roots when it comes to creation are kept intact. But you know, I'll probably become an AI and stick around. You need to be stimulated in lots of different ways if you want to keep creating new things, so I imagine I'll keep collaborating with others and taking in new things even if I'm an AI", Kojima said.

In case you missed it: Kojima Productions shows the studio where DS2 is being developed

An answer that very few could have seen coming. So, for those who thought Hideo Kojima was thinking about retirement, everything indicates that if technology allows it, we will have him creating new stories forever.

Of course, among its closest projects, we have Death Stranding 2, whose first trailer was shown at The Game Awards 2022 ceremony. In case you haven't seen yet this first look at the upcoming game, we leave it to you below:

Of course, we can't forget there's more about this franchise on the horizon, as we already know the first details of the Death Stranding movie adaptation. Yes: he's a busy man.

Taking up Kojima's comment, what do you think about it? Do you want Kojima to transform into an IA and keep working on games? Tell us in the comments box below.

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