Popular YouTube gaming channel hacked; its videos are deleted to promote cryptocurrencies

Did You Know Gaming? fights to reestablish its channel and all its work

Popular YouTube gaming channel hacked; its videos are deleted to promote cryptocurrencies

Did You Know Gaming? fights to reestablish its channel and all its work

YouTube channel hackings are a daily occurrence and, unfortunately, a popular gaming channel disappeared overnight. Did You Know Gaming? videos vanished and the channel promoted cryptocurrencies before disappearing.

The people behind the project confirmed that their Google account was hacked, so they lost access to their YouTube channel. As it usually happens, the attackers chose to delete all the content and make a stream to scam users.

Did You Know Gaming? disappears from YouTube after being hacked

The 2.4 million subscribers of Did You Know Gaming? were surprised to see that the channel was promoting cryptocurrencies. In short, its managers confirmed the hack and assured that they are already working to fix everything and recover their channel.

At the time of writing, Did You Know Gaming? simply disappeared from YouTube. Gamers are worried, as it is an excellent channel that offers interesting facts about the history of video games.

Fortunately, YouTube has already contacted the people in charge, so it seems like a matter of time before everything is back to normal. The community lashed out at the hackers and their crypto scams. Of course, there was also criticism of Google and YouTube, as this problem is becoming more and more prevalent.

Gamers united to ask the companies for a prompt solution to the Did You Know Gaming? issue, so they used social networks to protest.


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