YouTube will force you to watch unskippable 30-second ads

The platform is also preparing ads for when you pause a video

YouTube will force you to watch unskippable 30-second ads

The platform is also preparing ads for when you pause a video

YouTube is already full of ads that allow Google to make money and content creators to receive some compensation for their efforts. If you think the platform already has too much advertising, you'll be sad to know that it's about to get worse.

Recently, an event called YouTube Brandcast was held in which Google executives talked about YouTube's plans for brands. There, they revealed that a new measure of monetization is the implementation of 30-second ads that users won't be able to skip and which will appear before videos.

Before you panic too much, you should know that, at least for now, this measure will only appear on the TV version of YouTube. So if you usually consume videos on your computer, phone, or tablet, you're safe.

That's not the only measure that YouTube is preparing. We say this because they are cooking up something known as "Pause Experiences." What is this? It's a fancy way of saying that, on YouTube for TV, it will present ads every time the user pauses a video. This is a style of advertising that debuted 4 years ago on Hulu.

At the moment, YouTube has not revealed when these commercials will arrive. However, if they have already presented the idea to brands that want to advertise on the video platform, it seems like a matter of time before they show up.

In the presentation, YouTube also revealed that in just December 2022, YouTube and YouTube TV had over 150 million unique users on television screens in the United States. Likewise, they pointed out that YouTube remains the most-watched service on television throughout the country.

What do you think of this news? Will you continue to watch YouTube on your TV if you have to endure unskippable ads? Let us know in the comments.


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