Roblox suffers dangerous data breach and puts thousands of people at risk

Affected people claim that Roblox Corporation was late in alerting about incident

Roblox suffers dangerous data breach and puts thousands of people at risk

Affected people claim that Roblox Corporation was late in alerting about incident

Roblox suffered a data leak and exposed the confidential information of approximately 4000 people. According to details, names, addresses, emails, date of birth and more sensitive data of all those affected were leaked.

The data started leaking as such in 2021; however, the game makers did not alert about the data leak or notify those affected. The information came to light on forums a few days ago and is known to include data from developers who attended the Roblox Developer Conference between 2017 and 2020.

Roblox puts creators at risk due to data breach

"Roblox is aware of a third-party security issue where there were indications of unauthorized access to limited personal information of a subset of our creator community. We engaged independent experts to support the investigation led by our information security team," explained a spokesperson for Roblox Corporation.

The company added that it will contact all affected people to help them. It also assured that they will make adjustments to continuously improve the security of its platform. This way they will prevent something similar from happening again.

Of course, those affected are concerned, as their data can be used to commit scams and other types of crimes, such as identity theft. Some of the people who have already received a notification email were puzzled, as they consider that the company took quite a long time to act.

In its message, Roblox Corporation apologized for all the problems that this inconvenience may generate. It also offered a one-year identity protection service to all those affected.

At the time of writing, it is not clear whether the data leak affected the gaming community, nor are there any details about the investigations Roblox Corporation is carrying out.

Roblox put its creators at risk due to data breach
Roblox put its creators at risk due to data breach


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