Elon Musk will change Twitter's name and put an end to the classic bird logo

The social media platform will no longer be the same as we know it

Elon Musk will change Twitter's name and put an end to the classic bird logo

The social media platform will no longer be the same as we know it

Since Elon Musk acquired Twitter, the billionaire has faced criticism for controversial decisions that many believe have worsened the application. Now, it seems that the Tesla owner is ready to add another controversial move to the list, as he announced that Twitter will change its name and ditch the classic bird logo.

In a Twitter post, Elon Musk revealed that Twitter will abandon its name and image. The social media platform will now be known simply as "X," the name that the parent company of Twitter currently carries and which Musk has used in previous projects. Some of these projects include the online bank, X.com, and the artificial intelligence initiative, xAI.

"And we will soon say goodbye to the Twitter brand, and gradually to all the birds. It should've happened a long time ago, sorry for the delay," Musk said in a conversation on Twitter Spaces.

But that's not all, as Elon Musk also stated that the Twitter logo will change, leaving the bird behind. He even shared a video that gives us a glimpse of what seems to be the new logo for the social media platform.

Why is Elon Musk changing Twitter's name?

For many, Musk's decision to change Twitter's name and logo has been confusing. However, it's something that the billionaire has been planning for some time.

It appears that Musk wants Twitter to become "the app for everything." While few know exactly what he means by this, there is speculation that he aims to create something similar to WeChat, the most popular app in China, which offers social networking, payment options, and even product sales. Therefore, the name change is a step towards that direction.

Despite Musk's reasoning, the change has been criticized by many. This is especially true because Twitter is a well-known brand that is currently struggling to convince advertisers. Thus, many believe that ditching this brand will only push their clients further away.

What do you think of this news? Do you believe the name change for Twitter makes sense?

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