Hasbro wants Transformers games on Xbox Game Pass, but Activision lost them

The company is interested in expanding the franchise in the world of video games

Hasbro wants Transformers games on Xbox Game Pass, but Activision lost them

The company is interested in expanding the franchise in the world of video games

After achieving several successes in the film industry, some believe it is time for Transformers to conquer the video game industry. After all, the franchise has had a presence in gaming for decades. While the focus may be on the future, there is a concern about the link to the past, as Activision seems to have lost the backing of many video games inspired by the Transformers IP.

Hasbro states that Activision lost hard drives with Transformers games

Now that the acquisition of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft is nearly complete, it is known that the latter holds the rights to some Transformers games. Taking this into account, Hasbro, the owners of the brand, wants the IP's gaming history to reach many players through Xbox Game Pass. However, there is a detail to consider, as a representative of the company claims that Activision lost the hard drives containing those titles.

Regarding this matter, the Hasbro representative stated to Transformers World (via Time Extension): "Unfortunately, Activision is unsure about which hard drives have the video games. When a company eats another company, and that company eats another company, things get lost, and that's very frustrating. The hope is that now that the deal is progressing with Microsoft and Xbox, they will review all files and all hard drives to find everything because it's an easy Game Pass addition. We want those games to be ready again so people have the opportunity to play."

Hasbro wants to collaborate with video game companies

On another note, the Hasbro representative also mentioned that the company is interested in collaborating with video game companies to develop special Transformers products, and they are open to any possibilities: "Collaborations continue to grow, and companies approach us, so everything is always on the table. We definitely want to partner with video game companies. Clearly, Nintendo partnered with LEGO and created a Nintendo system, or there was the Super Nintendo Transformers at one point in Japan, so we would love to be able to do something in that vein. Any company, like, I don't know, a partnership with SEGA, a partnership with Microsoft or something like that, Sony, even just to make a Playstation, would be amazing."

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