EA shares bittersweet news for Battlefield fans

The franchise hasn't been at its best in recent years

EA shares bittersweet news for Battlefield fans

The franchise hasn't been at its best in recent years

Battlefield has been on a downward spiral for years; its latest installment faced many issues, and although EA DICE managed redemption, it was too late for the demanding games-as-a-service landscape. Electronic Arts played its card by offering a multiplayer-focused experience, but the results weren't as expected. Nonetheless, there's a new opportunity to try again with a new game, but perhaps fans won't be pleased.

The future of Battlefield is becoming a gaming ecosystem

During the presentation of its recent financial report, Electronic Arts briefly mentioned the future of Battlefield. Andrew Wilson, the company's CEO, revealed that the next installment of the franchise will deviate from the "traditional" and will be a "reimagining as a truly connected ecosystem." The news has sparked mixed opinions as there are fears that EA's approach this time might involve creating a gaming platform.

Regarding this, it's worth noting that EA has been very tight-lipped about the new Battlefield. However, details revealed about the project indicate it will have a campaign, led by Marcus Lehto, co-creator of Halo, and of course, it will feature multiplayer. In that sense, it would be fair to consider something akin to what happens with Call of Duty, which is now a platform that includes a campaign, online multiplayer, and a Battle Royale, all enriched with content through a seasonal system.

In case you didn't know, since 2021, Vince Zampella, creator of Respawn, is in charge of Battlefield, so expectations are high for what's to come.

Stay tuned here, at LEVEL UP.



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