Peter Moore: Saturn ruined SEGA, not the Dreamcast

The former executive believes that the 1994 console sunk the company's aspirations in the sector

Peter Moore: Saturn ruined SEGA, not the Dreamcast

The former executive believes that the 1994 console sunk the company's aspirations in the sector

SEGA's history in the console sector accounts for an impressive rise, a moment when it surpassed Nintendo in important markets, and then the madness caused by bad decisions that led to their collapse, making their last hardware, the legendary Dreamcast, unable to save the ship. This console is credited with ending SEGA's era as a console manufacturer, but an old acquaintance believes that the disaster was written before.

Peter Moore believes that the Saturn ruined SEGA, not the Dreamcast

Peter Moore is one of the most important executives in the history of video games and sports. His time at SEGA was marked by the company's fall in the console sector, but later, he played a crucial role in Microsoft's rise, giving identity to Xbox in the era of Xbox 360. Recently, Moore shared an article from IGN on his Twitter account that talks about the Dreamcast and its alleged responsibility for SEGA's collapse, but the executive thinks otherwise.

According to Peter Moore, who was president of SEGA of America in 2000 after Bernie Stolar's dismissal, the company's grim fate in the console market was sealed with the predecessor of the Dreamcast, the Saturn. This expensive console debuted in 1994 amidst a wave of hardware releases from SEGA that saturated the market and was criticized for its decision in favor of 2D, which soon ran into problems with the arrival of polygonal 3D.

According to the former executive, the negative impact of the Saturn ruined SEGA at its peak and its plans to continue making consoles, something that not even the successful debut of the Dreamcast could change: "It's sad to reflect, even 24 years later, on what could have been for the Dreamcast. We were truly taking gamers where gaming was going. And for the record, in my humble opinion, it was the financial trauma created by the Saturn debacle that led to the downfall of Sega's hardware reign".

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