Activision Blizzard buyout delayed again by CMA and new Ubisoft deal

The regulator initiated a new investigation that prevents the purchase from closing soon

Activision Blizzard buyout delayed again by CMA and new Ubisoft deal

The regulator initiated a new investigation that prevents the purchase from closing soon

Microsoft announced this morning that it will sell the cloud gaming rights to Activision Blizzard titles to Ubisoft. This in order to be able to complete the purchase and answer all the concerns of the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).

The regulator is already aware of this move, so it has just launched a new investigation into the deal and the terms that changed. Because of this, the closing of the acquisition will take even longer to be finalized.

The CMA will reinvestigate the purchase of Activision Blizzard.
The CMA will reinvestigate the purchase of Activision Blizzard.

CMA opens new investigation into Activision Blizzard purchase

By means of a statement, the CMA reported that today, August 22, it initiated a new investigation into Microsoft's purchase of Activision Blizzard. This due to the new deal with Ubisoft and all that it entails.

The regulator notified that it also imposed an order prohibiting Microsoft from acquiring stakes in Activision unless it has written authorization. With this, the company will have to wait until the new deadline set by the CMA.

The verdict of the first phase of the investigation will be published until October 18. If everything proceeds faster than planned, the results may be published earlier, but nothing is guaranteed.

The CMA invited all interested parties in the agreement to send their comments from today until September 1. The agency will compile the information and take it in consideration in reaching a new conclusion.


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