Charging everyone to use Twitter is Elon Musk's new idea for his social network

The entrepreneur justifies it by claiming it's the only way to eliminate bots

Charging everyone to use Twitter is Elon Musk's new idea for his social network

The entrepreneur justifies it by claiming it's the only way to eliminate bots

Ever since Elon Musk, the magnate and owner of Tesla, bought Twitter, the social network has undergone many changes. In fact, it is now called X and aims to be a platform that goes beyond a simple social network. That said, it seems that many may prefer to stay out of Twitter's future because Elon Musk is considering charging everyone who wants to use it.

According to information from Dave Lee, a technology journalist who also writes for Bloomberg, Musk is considering an idea that he had previously discussed privately. It turns out he intends to start charging all Twitter users to allow them to use it.

"We are moving to a model of a small monthly fee to use the X system," were Musk's words, as reported by Lee.

What does this mean? It means that the new information suggests you will have to pay a monthly fee to continue using Twitter (or X if you prefer to call it that). This means you won't be able to post new messages or view other posts unless you're willing to pay this amount.

According to Musk, this is an idea aimed at completely eliminating Twitter bots. Of course, it will also help generate revenue and try to make the company profitable, but that's another story.

How much will it cost to use Twitter | X?

Now, how much will you have to pay to use Twitter? At the moment, that's a question without an answer, and we'll have to wait for official details to confirm it.

That said, the report indicates that it will be an amount "less" than the Premium subscription of X. This means it will cost less than $145 MXN ($8 USD) per month.

This is the price of the Premium subscription for Twitter|X
This is the price of the Premium subscription for Twitter|X

We'll be keeping an eye on this and will inform you when we have more details.

What do you think of this news? Are you willing to pay to use Twitter? Let us know in the comments.


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