Hideki Kamiya goes youtuber: shows off his Lamborghini and his exit from Platinum in his first video

The creative promised to return to game development in the future

Hideki Kamiya goes youtuber: shows off his Lamborghini and his exit from Platinum in his first video

The creative promised to return to game development in the future

Hideki Kamiya announced by surprise his departure from PlatinumGames a few days ago. Today was the developer's last day at the studio, so he decided to reveal part of his plans for the future. To everyone's surprise, the creator of Bayonetta and other popular franchises will now be a youtuber.

In fact, Kamiya already shared with his fans the first video on his channel. In it, he explains that he has plans to return to game development, but for now he can't take any job in the industry for at least the next 12 months. So, in the meantime, he will keep in touch with his fans through YouTube.

Hideki Kamiya will pause his development career for a while
Hideki Kamiya will pause his development career for a while

Hideki Kamiya already has a YouTube channel

“I am Hideki Kamiya, unemployed. Welcome to my channel. I’m out of a job, so please subscribe. I feel very refreshed after leaving [Platinum]. I’ve been watching Netflix, Disney Plus, YouTube and stuff like that. I’ve already lost track of what day it is," says the creative in his first video.

Apparently, Kamiya will not be able to work in the industry for at least 1 year due to a clause in his previous contract. Despite this, he stated that he will not retire from the industry and will be ready to return whenever possible. While he did not reveal what happened within PlatinumGames, he clarified that he is no longer part of the studio nor will he return to it.

"I left the company because I wanted to follow my beliefs as a game creator. And to choose the path I think is right and move on. Yeah, so I’m not going to retire yet. I want to keep creating games.."

The creative shows some of his belongings that he took out of his office and, at the end, gets into his Lamborghini Countach to go rest at home.

"To be super clear, I’m not retiring, as long as there’s a place that would hire me, so you know… I’m gonna wait for the offer. I will consider any offer above ¥100,000,000 JPY a year. So if there’s any company that would like to make an offer, Please contact me here!", Kamiya added with his usual humor. Below you can watch his first video:


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