Cliff Bleszinski wants Xbox to do with Gears of War what God of War did

The franchise creator would be delighted to be considered for the project

Cliff Bleszinski wants Xbox to do with Gears of War what God of War did

The franchise creator would be delighted to be considered for the project

Gears of War is one of Xbox's iconic franchises. While over the years the company hasn't neglected the IP, the new installments haven't reached the heights of the original trilogy to the extent that some fans are calling for The Coalition to refresh the series, just like its creator, who believes it could benefit from an approach similar to what God of War did.

In light of the ongoing publication of his comic series Scrapper, Cliff Bleszinski (the creator of Gears of War) took part in an interview and when asked if he would like to address the IP through comics, he confessed that he would like something different regarding the future of his creation.

A reboot would suit Gears of War, according to its creator

Specifically, Bleszinski mentioned that the third-person shooter series "needs something like a reboot" and that Xbox should do something similar to what PlayStation did with God of War.

What's most interesting is that the creator reiterated that he's open to the idea of being involved in the project, not so much directly, but as a consultant: "I've always said, Phil Spencer [Xbox boss] has my number, I'd be happy to consult."

Finally, Bleszinski admitted that he hasn't forgotten about Gears of War and holds it dear, occasionally taking the opportunity to revisit iconic game scenes.

"Gears will always be close to my heart (...) sometimes I go to YouTube and watch key scenes from the Gears franchise," the creator expressed in an interview with ComicBook, mentioning some memorable moments as examples, which we won't share here to avoid spoilers.

Would you like to see a reboot of Gears of War? Tell us in the comments.

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