Is The Last of Us multiplayer dead? Dev breaks silence and finally reveals it

Reports claim Naughty Dog project is in trouble

Is The Last of Us multiplayer dead? Dev breaks silence and finally reveals it

Reports claim Naughty Dog project is in trouble

Naughty Dog suffered layoffs recently and we know that the new multiplayer for The Last of Us is in trouble. Originally, it was reported that the project was on hiatus; however, sources claimed shortly after that it was actually dead.

Fans have a lot of doubts about it, as Sony's studio has not officially clarified what state the project is in and if it will ever arrive. Everything changed this week, as The Last of Us multiplayer showed signs of life thanks to a brief comment from a developer.

All signs are that The Last of Us multiplayer is still in development

Some gamers believe that The Last of Us multiplayer will be canceled sooner or later after the problems and layoffs at PlayStation. On the other hand, there are also hopeful fans who believe that, in the end, Naughty Dog will overcome all the problems and deliver a good game.

Hope was reborn in many after Vinit Agarwal, game director at Naughty Dog, published a brief message on social networks. In it he confirms that he is still working on the title, which excited many fans of The Last of Us.

The creative shared an image of Super Mario Bros. Wonder to boast that he has already completed one of his biggest challenges. In passing, he confirmed that he continues to work "on that game" in reference to the multiplayer title.

Fans questioned him about the status of the project, but Agarwal did not reveal any further details. Gamers celebrated the news and sent their good wishes to the entire team, as he wants the title to come to fruition.

<em>The Last of Us</em> multiplayer is still in development, reveals director
The Last of Us multiplayer is still in development, reveals director


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