GTA VI: leak reveals how ambitious the title would be; fans are thrilled

Rockstar would use special technology to take its popular franchise to a new level

GTA VI: leak reveals how ambitious the title would be; fans are thrilled

Rockstar would use special technology to take its popular franchise to a new level

Rockstar has yet to reveal Grand Theft Auto VI, but no one doubts that it will be the most ambitious installment of the saga and that the studio will use cutting-edge technology to achieve it. In fact, some recent leaks reveal interesting details in this regard.

Fans waiting for the title decided to analyze once again the leaks that the title suffered at the end of last year. Thanks to this, they found and analyzed a debugging menu that reveals some of the supposed features of its world, its non-playable characters and more.

Leak reveals how ambitious GTA VI will be

According to the details, the debug menu is related to artificial intelligence. Fans found that the title will use a system called ProceduralMotion, which would allow to have dynamic animations that would change depending on the context.

They also found references to tools such as EmotionalLocoRequests, Expressions and Gesture, indicating that NPCs will have a new level of expressions and movement. The information also suggests that the non-playable characters will have advanced artificial intelligence, which would generate a more realistic and dynamic world.

The menu has a function called AnimalIntelligence, which suggests that the fauna we see will also have a more complex behavior. On the other hand, there is an option with the name AIMemory, which could indicate that the human NPCs will remember certain actions of the players and that will determine the type of interactions there will be.

There are elements that have generated some confusion among players, as everything indicates that NPCs will even be able to smell the main characters and other NPCs. This could be related to some mechanics that have not been confirmed.

Finally, there are hints of a possible faction system and another that would make the game's locations dynamic, as they would change over time depending on what is happening in the title's world.

Although this is interesting information, it is not known for sure if all these elements will be in the final version of the game. It is important to remember that the data was taken from a preliminary version that was leaked, so nothing is guaranteed. Despite this, fans waiting for the title are extremely excited.

GTA VI would have a very complete and dynamic world
GTA VI would have a very complete and dynamic world


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