The Pokémon Company announces franchise-themed theme park

PokéPark KANTO will offer a Pokémon adventure through various activities

The Pokémon Company announces franchise-themed theme park

PokéPark KANTO will offer a Pokémon adventure through various activities

The Pokémon Company is the owner of the most lucrative entertainment franchise in history. As such, it is always looking to create experiences to delight its fans of all ages, and as part of these efforts, it has just revealed a new theme park.

The company unveiled PokéPark KANTO, a new venture founded in collaboration with Yomiuri Land Co. and The Yomiuri Shimbun.

What will the new Pokémon theme park be like?

Thanks to this new venture, a theme park named Pokémon will be established, where visitors can "enjoy a Pokémon adventure in a pleasant natural environment through various events."

This is a new area within the Yomiuriland theme park, located on the outskirts of Tokyo, Japan, which interestingly is within the Kanto region, the name that gave rise to the map of the first games in the series.

First image of PokéPark KANTO
First image of PokéPark KANTO

When will the new Pokémon park be inaugurated?

This is not the first time that The Pokémon Company and Yomiuriland have partnered to create Pokémon experiences. The relationship between the two companies dates back to 2009, and over nearly 15 years, they have produced three experiences: 1 educational column for children, the Pokémon Ryousen gaming event (2014), and Pokémon WONDER, an attraction that invited people to enjoy the wonders of the outdoors with the franchise and utilized Yomiuriland's facilities, available from July 2021 to April 2022.

As a curious fact, The Pokémon Company established a temporary theme park called Pokémon The Park 2005. Additionally, the name of the upcoming park has existed in the form of a video game series, PokéPark, which allowed players to control Pokémon and interact with them in different attractions.

It is unknown whether PokéPark KANTO will be a permanent or temporary attraction like Pokémon WONDER, and the opening date has not been revealed. Due to the early stage of the project, no further details have been disclosed, so it is unclear what this experience will entail.

We will keep you informed.

Would you like to participate in such a Pokémon experience? Tell us in the comments.

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