Sony and Microsoft to Collaborate on Creating a Car

Sony executive showcased AFEELA, driving it with a PlayStation 5 controller

Sony and Microsoft to Collaborate on Creating a Car

Sony executive showcased AFEELA, driving it with a PlayStation 5 controller

As is customary every year, Sony made its presence felt at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2024). While there was minimal information about its video game business, the presentation was interesting as it provided updates on various projects in development, including its ambitious car, AFEELA, which will receive support from its main competitor in the gaming market.

The Japanese company took the opportunity to unveil the latest physical prototype of its car, AFEELA, developed by its division, Sony Honda Mobility.

The car wasn't on the stage initially; instead, it rolled in, not conventionally, but rather Izumi Kawanishi, Executive Vice President of Sony's automotive division, remotely drove it using a PlayStation 5 controller, the DualSense.

Sony and Microsoft to Collaborate on Creating AFEELA

Despite being an ambitious project from a Japanese automaker, Sony will collaborate with its rival Microsoft to bring to life the vision for the cutting-edge car, aiming to "redefine the relationship between people and mobility."

While no one would have dared to predict it decades ago, Sony revealed that Microsoft's role in the alliance will be to create "a personal mobility agent."

According to the details, the intention of Sony Honda Mobility is to revolutionize how people are transported, even improving the "emotional experience," for which they sought Microsoft's support to develop a personal agent capable of conversing with the user.

AFEELA, Sony's car, will come to life with Microsoft's technology
AFEELA, Sony's car, will come to life with Microsoft's technology

Sony and Microsoft Celebrate Alliance to Create AFEELA

This showcases the fruits of the alliance both companies forged at the end of the last decade, involving Azure's artificial intelligence since this agent will be powered by Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service.

"AI plays an essential role in achieving our goal of redefining the relationship between people and mobility, enhancing the user's emotional experience. Microsoft is a key partner in providing a conversational personal agent. We are pleased to work with Microsoft to bring our vision to life," said Kawanishi.

Meanwhile, Jessica Hawk, Microsoft's Corporate Vice President of AI, Information, and Marketing, praised the role of generative artificial intelligence and also celebrated the alliance with Sony.

"We are proud of our collaboration with Sony Honda Mobility and excited to see their innovative use of Azure's AI technologies and their ability to build with confidence, knowing that Microsoft Azure provides a reliable platform as the AI landscape and the mobility industry evolve. As these new technologies advance, secure and responsible AI will continue to be a top priority for both organizations," said the executive.

*In case you missed it: AFEELA might have microtransactions.

What do you think of the alliance between Sony and Microsoft to create AFEELA? Tell us in the comments.

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