GTA 6: "Let's make history", Florida Joker vows not to sue Rockstar if they give him job

Lawrence Sullivan wants to appear in the long-awaited game at all costs

GTA 6: "Let's make history", Florida Joker vows not to sue Rockstar if they give him job

Lawrence Sullivan wants to appear in the long-awaited game at all costs

Lawrence Sullivan, better known as the Florida Joker, has gained visibility after the first trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6 parodied him. Since then, the subject has not stopped threatening Rockstar with a lawsuit, as he believes they used his image without permission and wants compensation for appearing in the game.

The Florida Joker recently changed his speech, as he saw that his initial threats have not worked. So he sent another message to Rockstar where he states that he will not initiate a legal dispute as long as they allow him to play his character.

The Florida Joker wants to work on GTA 6 and earn millions

In a new video, the Florida Joker asks Rockstar several times to let him appear in the game. His wish is to give life to the character who parodies him and, in this way, earn a few million dollars. He also demanded that his character must have a story in the long-awaited title.

On the other hand, the Florida Joker believes that his videos have served to promote the game even more, since fans of the franchise and the general public are aware of him and his requests to Rockstar. For this reason, he thinks he deserves at least a chance.

"Let me voice the character, give me more storyline in the game and give me a few mill [...] let's make history happen. Y'all see what I did for the game. We made news, we made the blogs, everybody's covering me," Sullivan stated.

Despite the change in tone, the Florida Joker again threatened Rockstar with a potential lawsuit at the end of his video. "I’m really not trying to sue y’all, but if I got to, I will," the guy added.

The reality is that, at least for now, the studio hasn't taken him to task and is unlikely to respond to any of his requests. Sullivan argues that he's given the franchise free publicity, but fans know full well that Rockstar doesn't need it.


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