PlayStation: Which studios will suffer layoffs? Naughty Dog, Insomniac and Guerrilla are on the list

Sony announced the dismissal of 900 employees worldwide.

PlayStation: Which studios will suffer layoffs? Naughty Dog, Insomniac and Guerrilla are on the list

Sony announced the dismissal of 900 employees worldwide.

This morning, Sony Interactive Entertainment announced the layoff of 900 PlayStation employees and the closure of London Studio. Unfortunately, this decision will affect other talented teams at PlayStation Studios, including Naughty Dog, Insomniac Games and Guerrilla Games.

Major PlayStation Studios teams to suffer layoffs

PlayStation Studios will suffer with layoffs
PlayStation Studios will suffer with layoffs

Sony Interactive Entertainment's statement confirmed that there will be adjustments to staffing levels in the US and UK. However, it was initially unclear which studios would be affected by this decision.

We now know that Naughty Dog and Insomniac Games will be among the PlayStation studios affected in the US. It has not been disclosed how many staff these teams, known for their big AAA productions, will lose.

We also know that various tech and support teams in the US will also lose an undisclosed number of employees. As for the UK, we know that there will be staff reductions at Guerrilla Games and Firesprite, other major PlayStation teams.

As previously announced, the team that will fare the worst will be London Studio, as it is slated for permanent closure. Finally, there will also be job cuts in a number of Sony Interactive Entertainment departments across the region.


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