Sony to expand PlayStation with free-to-play games and a new platform

Vacante revealed part of the company's plans for mobile growth

Sony to expand PlayStation with free-to-play games and a new platform

Vacante revealed part of the company's plans for mobile growth

Sony has made significant progress with the expansion of PlayStation to computers, but it still has another important pending: to grow in the mobile games market. The Japanese company has a project underway to achieve this goal, which involves free-to-play games and a new platform.

PlayStation will bet big on the mobile market

PlayStation to expand into the mobile market
PlayStation to expand into the mobile market

For years now, Sony has been working to expand PlayStation. Its goal is to bring its stellar brand to new devices beyond its consoles, as it seeks a multiplatform approach to its ecosystem. This implies that it will increasingly have a presence on PC and mobile.

Thanks to a recently discovered vacancy, we know that the companies are working on a new platform to offer free-to-play mobile games. Reports from months ago claim that the company will bring its most popular franchises to mobile with free-to-play releases.

According to details, the PlayStation Studios Mobile division is currently looking for a software engineer. He will be in charge of designing the platform that will be the basis for developing, publishing and operating undisclosed free-to-play mobile games.

Also, the chosen one will have to implement the platform and work closely with the internal teams of the brand. This with the aim that the free-to-play games are connected to PlayStation services.

It is also mentioned that he will be in charge of ensuring that “all mobile games meet PlayStation's quality standards”. For now, there are no further details of this project or the first games that will be part of it.

The news comes shortly after Xbox confirmed that it is already preparing the launch of a mobile store. In this way, it seeks to compete with giants such as Google and Apple. We will have to wait to learn more about Sony and PlayStation's plans.


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