The Last of Us: Part II for PC is ready, according to an insider. Why hasn't it debuted?

A report claims that the port's development was completed months ago

The Last of Us: Part II for PC is ready, according to an insider. Why hasn't it debuted?

A report claims that the port's development was completed months ago

PlayStation has brought some of its best exclusives to PC, allowing users of Steam and the Epic Games Store to enjoy some of the most outstanding AAA titles the current market has to offer. However, many players are still eagerly awaiting the port of The Last of Us: Part II, the popular and controversial title from Naughty Dog.

A reputed insider surprised fans of the franchise with his latest report. He revealed that, supposedly, the port of The Last of Us: Part II for PC has been ready for months, but PlayStation has not released it. The reason? The source speculated on the matter.

Insider says the port of The Last of Us: Part II for PC is complete

PlayStation will continue bringing more of its games to PC
PlayStation will continue bringing more of its games to PC

According to billbil-kun, one of the top insiders in the entire industry, a report about The Last of Us: Part II for PC was published this morning. According to his information, the development of this port began quite a while ago, as it started in 2021.

The interesting part of his report is that, supposedly, the PC version of the sequel has been ready since at least November 2023, that is, more than half a year ago. This surprised many players, who are wondering why PlayStation and Sony have not released it.

The insider does not have precise information on this, but speculated about the issue. He claimed that it is likely that the companies decided to delay it until the release of Season 2 of the HBO live-action series, which is scheduled to debut in 2025.

It appears that Sony aims to create a big impact just as happened with the Fallout series and its titles. The company would take advantage of the series' hype to promote and boost sales of the new PC port, which many players are eagerly awaiting.

However, it is important to mention that the information is merely a rumor. Despite billbil-kun being one of the most reliable sources, the reality is that neither PlayStation nor Naughty Dog have mentioned anything about the port which, undoubtedly, will become a reality sooner or later.

When will The Last of Us: Part II debut for PC?
When will The Last of Us: Part II debut for PC?


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